Space Clearing
Space Clearing is a ceremonial process, designed especially for you, your family, and your home or office space. No session is alike.
In this work, I draw on principles and rituals of Native American, Jewish, and Buddhist traditions, as well as Feng Shui and some healing modalities.
The Space Clearing process brings your space back into integrity, revives it with fresh energy and spirit, and makes it possible for more abundance to flow through. In the process, clients often experience physical and emotional clearing as well.
We can utilize the burning of herbs (like sage and cedar), feathers, and aromatherapy, among other techniques, to shift the stuck and old energy. Altars can be created to honor, nurture, and encourage a current or desired partnership, a new baby, a new business, your dream job, or more money, just to name a few.
Contact Bekka for more details on coaching, including somatic and ceremonial work that accesses even deeper levels of healing.

Schedule A Consultation:
Contact Bekka for a 1-hour onsite home/office or virtual consultation for $150.